Lock-Down Life

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to touch lives across the country and around the world, I’m constantly looking for new ways to keep my family, friends and WisePausers feeling healthy, safe, and supported. If you’re feeling the emotional and mental weight of this moment, you’re not alone. Here’s some good news to cheer you up.

      Personally, I am a big jumble of emotions. I keep thinking of the Dickens quote from “A Tale of Two Cities”, a historical novel set in London and Paris during the French Revolution. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  To me, this sentence and the following paragraph define our current time. We are seeing the best of times with our frontline workers, the doctors, nurses, medical professionals, and administrative staff who go to work with bravery, courage, and determination to save lives, every single day. This includes the essential people who are working tirelessly at the markets, pharmacies, restaurants, and the volunteers at food banks delivering necessities. The worst of times encompasses lives cut short to illness, jobs lost, economic pressures, and more. It’s a time of enormous change, and I trust that as we emerge, it will be with newfound purpose and passion and respect for those that have been on the front lines. 

      Through all of this, I have enjoyed the clean air, seeing neighbors I never knew existed, webinar content that typically you pay for offered for free, virtual sound bath and cooking lobster for the first time. I’ve decided to look at this time as a reset period. What do I keep? What do I lose? I’ll share my list in two weeks.

In WisePause health,


Founder, WisePause Lifestyle