Return Policy

We want you to be happy.
Return Policy:
You may return new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Tea Botanics within 45 days of delivery for a full refund excluding shipping and handling. During the holidays, items shipped back to us between December 24th and December 31st will not be returned until January 7th.
To process a return, send us an email at with your name, shipping to address, date your purchased product and any additional information and we will process your return details in our system and send you a return label to attach to the shipping box.
We will pay the shipping charge to return the product back to us. Most refunds are fully refunded in 3-5 days after we receive and process your return.
Refund Policy:
We want you to be happy with our products. If 45 days have gone by since your purchase and you are not satisfied, please return the product, send us an email at to give us a heads up and ship your item to:
Tea Botanics, 6709 La Tijera Blvd., #912, Los Angeles, California US 90045