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Hot Flash Severity Descriptors

Last less than 5 minutes; uncomfortable warmth without sweating or dampness; red or flushed face; mild discomfort; at night you don't wake up; but later notice damp sheets or clothing

Up to 10 minutes; warm to hot; clammy skin; increased heart rate; some sweating; agitated; dry mouth; embarrassed; use fan; remove clothes; open windows even when cold outside; took off layers of clothing; wake up at night

Up to 20 minutes; very hot (burning up); increased heart rate; unusual sensation over skin; severe sweating; anxiety; embarrassment; activity interruption; need to remove clothes; frequent use of fans

Very Severe
Up to 30+ minutes; extreme heat; rolling perspiration; increased heart rate; felt faint or dizzy; legs cramping;; nausea; extreme distress; difficulty functioning; need to take cold shower or hold ice on skin; need to change sheets or pajamas
Our Natural Ingredients

Organic gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA) Oolong tea leaf*
regulates brain/body temperature and promotes calm and mental clarity

Organic Black Cohosh*
balances hormones and improves sleep

Organic Echinacea*
improves nutritional absorption and toxin

Organic Wild Yam*
stimulates feminine energy,
while increasing circulation to your female organs
Pure, third-party tested, and full of vitamins and minerals grown in nature.
Dietary Information: Non-hormonal, Vegan, Non-GMO, No chemicals, no additives, no metals